How To Use Fiverr To Make Money

Jide Komolafe
6 min readApr 2, 2021


Fiverr may be a great concept that works. It’s perhaps easier to think about it as the X-Factor for skills. However, unlike the important X-Factor, with Fiverr you’ve got ample opportunity to return and perform all over again if you failed the initial time. As a user, the Fiverr concept will make sure you save a serious amount of cash compared to getting a similar service from the ‘high street’. Equally, for the vendor, the system will ensure great income if you’re good at what you are doing and having fantastic customer care skills.

Grow with Fiverr

If you are interested in making money with Fiverr here’s a easier way to achieve it

Fiverr is great for both the vendor and also the consumer. On the Fiverr website, you’ll be able to post your skills description for absolutely free. Once you come to perform your skill for somebody, it’s referred to as the ‘gig’. The word Fiverr is an adaptation of the number Five since most gigs cost a mere 5 USD. However, this price may be a starting point, which is a basic service with options to get extras if you would like.

The X-Factor analogy comes into its own when discussing judging and grading the gigs. Within the real show the judges and therefore, the public rate the abilities of the people before of them. On the Fiverr website, the judges are the consumers of the gigs and are encouraged to rate the performance of the service received. The service here means the standard of the service as well as the accompanying customer service. So, it naturally follows that if you were the vendor, the higher your service, the better the rating you’ll obtain which in essence will attract you more customers. On Fiverr, since each seller is selling the gig for a very similar price, the rating attributed to them is what is going to make or break a deal. If your rating is bad because you probably did not provide an excellent product and/or customer service and you fail to do anything to boost your ratings in future gigs, then you’re at the risk of falling into a vicious circle downwards from which you might never recover. Because once your reputation is crushed it’s going to be difficult to resurrect it again. However, if after your first bad gig you took action to enhance your weakness. Then, not only will you survive but you’ll go onto thrive on Fiverr.


How To Make Use of Fiverr As A Seller.
First, you have to think about new ideas. Just be creative in searching out for some new Fiverr ideas. If you’ve got difficulty searching out something, then you’ll have to scour through internet forums in your niche and find some. Or simply, visit Yahoo Answers or Quora to search out what people are willing to pay for. Then, as soon as you discover some ideas, head to Fiverr and craft your first gig. Never use long titles for your gigs. Keep it as short as possible. And also, when creating gigs, always use keyword tools to find keywords associated with your gigs. This can help to bring visitors from search engines.
As soon as you created your first gig, it’s time to market it and make some money. It depends on your gig’s niche. You’ll simply look for related forums, and promote your gigs via signatures. But, never spam forums for no reason. Try and be helpful to people there. Post often and you’ll see the high order you’ll get from forum signature links. Because people will trust you and buy your services without delay.

Similarly, another effective way through which you can promote your gigs is Quora or Yahoo Answers. But, again don’t attempt to spam your links. Always ensure that you are helpful in your answers to people’s questions. Help them and place your gig link on the source box. Yahoo answers and Quora gets much traffic from search engines, so you’ll easily get targeted traffic for your gigs.

Another, of my favorite way of getting free targeted traffic, is YouTube. You can make tons of money if just one of your videos goes viral. You need to spend considerable time creating a really good video then put your Fiverr gig link on the description. Add friends, ask people to subscribe to your channel, promote videos on social networks, social bookmark all of your videos.
An additional way to get traffic for your gigs is Paid traffic. You’ll easily promote your gigs via PPC or PPV advertising networks. It’s somehow riskier if you do not have the necessary skills to use them, but overall you’ll get laser-targeted instant traffic from PPC and PPV networks.

So What Sort Of Services Would You Expect To Receive On Fiverr?

Gifts, graphics, videos, social marketing, travel, writing, advertising, music and audio, fun and bizarre, tips and advice, business, technology, programming, and more are amongst the services on offer on Fiverr.
The process of obtaining a gig is extremely simple. Just get to the Fiverr site, look for the gig you need and if you love what you see, just place the order. It’s as simple as that! The services offered on Fiverr would benefit many new internet marketers who are on a very tight budget likewise as those that just haven’t got the time or resources to ensure important tasks are done by themselves.

For instance, the making of a video is one area where Fiverr is aptly suited to help you if you need services like this. Videos as mediums of knowledge are ever-pervasive of late. Visitors using the web expect to watch a video on a task they want to perform. Videos easily convey complex information in an exceedingly short time and typically in a very fun way. However, making a decent video requires skill and knowledge which is what new marketers haven’t got. On top of that, the software and hardware required to shoot a top-quality video are often pricey. For a newbie marketer, the price alone can make a do-it-yourself video out of reach. Then, there’s the question of camera shyness. If you’re gregarious then take up courage and make that video. Just make sure you have a decent script, and you do not veer off it.

For so many, appearing before their camera is simply not an option, especially at the start of their internet marketing career. In such a case, the way out is Fiverr. A lot of the sellers of video products on Fiverr are professional actors, so camera shyness is not a problem with them. Furthermore, because they produce videos frequently they have presumably invested in professional camera equipment and software. So, you’ll be assured of top-grade quality video. You’ll just need to provide a script and a few directions on what you’d want to be included within the video.

Have the Best of Life With Fiverr

Every Fiverr gig provider is vetted by moderators and given a grading consistent with what they need to achieve. For example, 1st level sellers are those that have created 10 orders. Subsequently, 2nd level sellers are those that have delivered 50 orders with impeccable customer service. The top-level sellers are usually referred to and labeled as Fiverr Rockstar and are handpicked by Fiverr moderators. You need to be exceptional to attain this status. That top quality is therefore maintained and conveyed through the grading system.

The Fiverr platform is successful in bringing together two communities that are in great need of the other. Those individuals need to monetize their skills and people who want a product or service at a price that’s anything but reasonable.

Whether you’re a seller or a buyer, the Fiverr platform has the potential to supply you with an excellent online income wherever you happen to be.

Disclaimer: This article contains links which will make me money if you follow them.



Jide Komolafe

I’m so interested in online money making ideas & have been doing this for over 5 years. A trained Journalist with over 10 years print and publishing experience