How to Sell on Fiverr, Rank and Earn Quick Money Fast

Jide Komolafe
6 min readApr 3, 2021


How to Sell on Fiverr, Rank and Earn Quick Money Fast

Fiverr is a website that helps young entrepreneurs to market their talents to potential customers. Two class of people, customers and sellers, see Fiverr as an open opportunity to achieve success and know that it can help them lead a debt-free life. The buyers get their work done and support for a really cheap rate while the sellers get to display their talent and services to a huge range of clients and be paid. The sellers sell a service or get the client’s work done at an inexpensive rate and through this the sellers can make some quick money with Fiverr. To earn money on Fiverr, the vendor should be aware of the techniques and tips associated with selling on Fiverr.

Selling Procedure on Fiverr
If you’re a seller who is serious about selling your service on Fiverr or you are a beginner and desire to understand the way to sell on Fiverr, all you need do is head over to Fiverr, make an account, login to get started. Once you log in to Fiverr you would need to choose the category which closely fits your skill. After selecting a category, you would need to click on the “Create a gig” button. Now a form will appear and Fiverr will instruct you on the step by step procedure of creating a gig.

Once your gig is created on Fiverr you’re then visible to every Fiverr the clients and anyone can approach you to order your services. As a buyer, once you confirm the order, the vendor should deliver the gig within the committed time to earn a positive impact from the customer. The registration, creating of gig and selling is so easy and also a fast procedure on Fiverr. This is actually the simple procedure for running a viable Fiverr account.

If you are interested in learning how to make money online with Fiverr Click Here to continue

Service gigs are the real deal and soul of Fiverr. These services range from the creation of personalized art or objects, the filming of video messages in costume, or a myriad of other unique services in a very discounted and convenient online form. Fiverr offers original artists and other people with any sort of creativity an opportunity to earn money doing what they love, and possibly being the first set of people in history to sell such services. Services on Fiverr are available in different forms, but the main categories are design, personalization, and innovation. No matter the kind of service offered, a couple of basic strategies are necessary for the effective selling of services on Fiverr.

Fiverr: The Best Place For Your Graphics Solutions

Design services on Fiverr are available in many forms, yet generally they deal only in projects that are simple enough for a $5 sale to be cost-effective. This includes the design of logos, websites, business cards and other business-related projects. Offering these services requires up-front proof for the customer that what they purchase are going to be of a particular level of quality. To attain this, a seller should prominently feature samples of their work within their description. A video should be included to indicate additional finished products and possibly a number of processes involved in creating the service processes. Furthermore, online samples of your work should be included in your description via links.

One of the key sectors of Fiverr services is actually the personalization category, particularly during holidays, though these services are popular year-round because of birthdays and special events. These sellers offer an exceptional and affordable message service or object which will be personalized with the name of whoever the client wants or a complete message. Selling within this category requires creativity to make sure that what you’re offering is totally different from other available options which stand out from the multitude of similar gigs. When creating your gig, research the competition and available options thoroughly then craft your gig to be something different and better.

The lack of up-front cost and immediacy of results make Fiverr a superb place to attempt something new. If you’ve got an interest or ability that’s currently not available for purchase on Fiverr, brainstorm ways on how it may be offered as a service. Starting one gig that utilizes your ability may bring about other more developed gigs which you can offer and explore in your niche and establish a customer base that creates a better use of the different online opportunities available through Fiverr platform.

With any service gig on Fiverr, certain methods are recommended to make certain of your success. Give your gig an imaginative title and description which will draw customers in and make them excited about your service. Show a touch of yourself in your promotional video so you’ll make a human and personal connection to potential customers. Offer impeccable customer service which will make you receive only positive reviews, which is able to bring you more customers and lead to repeat business. Promote your Fiverr gig using search engine optimization, social networking and an external website or blog. In everything that you might do for your Fiverr service gig, maintain a human and personal touch which will make you rise above competing available services.

You can start making money on Fiverr today by Following This Link

Offer More Gigs:
One thing that you must avoid on Fiverr is losing customers. You ought to offer over and above one gig on Fiverr so if a client clicks on your gig and finds it inappropriate for his desire, then rather than losing that client you’ll show other gigs as promotion and there is an opportunity that the client may like all or some other gig of yours. When a client clicks a gig and checks the outline of the gig Fiverr shows the client all other gigs available through the seller on a side of the page. So a seller should not have one gig available for purchase on Fiverr.

A Bonus Offer:
For the sellers on Fiverr, to induce a decent sale and attract many buyers you’ll have to attach some bonus offers together with your gig. The bonus offer should be of importance to the clients. For instance, a seller who is doing a gig on some business counseling can give an eBook bonus offer for his first ten clients or a seller who is offering a five photo editing gig, might give one free photoshopped image bonus offer for the first few clients.

Feedback Is Essential To Your Business

Get Customer’s Feedback:
If you’re a seller on Fiverr and wish to excel as a seller, that is you sincerely want to top the charts, then you would like to offer value to your customers. Once they order your gig, you deliver their gig at or before the agreed deadline. This is often the beginning of your relationship as a seller with a client, through which you ought to inquire for their feedback. A customer’s feedback is usually the key to success as they will admire your work and may also criticize your work. Just in case of criticism use it to enhance your work and quality. Another advantage of an encouraging feedback about your gig is that other clients and buyers can view it and it’ll raise the rating of your gig.

Disclaimer: This post contains links which leads to external websites through which I could make money if followed through.



Jide Komolafe

I’m so interested in online money making ideas & have been doing this for over 5 years. A trained Journalist with over 10 years print and publishing experience